Course curriculum

    1. Hot topics in Respiratory system

    2. Lung volumes lecture

    3. Spirometry lecture

    4. Flow volume loops lecture

    5. Functional residual capacity lecture

    6. Lung compliance lecture

    7. Pulmonary vascular resistance lecture

    8. Hypoxic pulmonary vascular resistance lecture

    9. Control of breathing lecture

    10. Lung surfactant lecture

    11. Non-respiratory lung functions lecture

    12. Oxygen carriage lecture

    13. Haemoglobin lecture

    14. Oxygen dissociation curve lecture

    15. Classification of hypoxia lecture

    16. Shunts lecture

    17. Transport of carbon dioxide lecture

    18. Respiratory patterns Viva

    19. Control of breathing Viva

    20. CT Thorax of retrosternal goitre. Lung segments affected by aspiration in different positions viva

    21. Oxygen-haemoglobin Dissociation Curve (ODC) viva

    22. Oxygen delivery devices, nerve supply of larynx, anaesthesia technique for awake fibre optic viva

    23. Pulseoximetry, FRC viva

    24. Week 1 Comprehensive Vivas on respiratory system

    1. Hot topics for Cardiovascular System

    2. Cardiac Cycle lecture

    3. Control Of BP lecture

    4. CARDIAC output measurement, action potential of cardiac myocyte viva

    5. Compliance, obesity, Flow measurement, Hypoxic PULMONARY vasoconstriction viva

    6. CVP trace, cardiac output monitoring, PA catheter trace viva

    7. CPEX testing, heart failure viva

    8. Compensatory response to blood loss viva

    9. Vaso active drugs- Inotropes, Vasopressors etc viva

    10. Week 2Comprehensive Vivas on Cardiac System

    1. Hot topics for Nervous System

    2. Cerebral Auto Regulation lecture

    3. Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Lecture

    4. Intracranical Pressure lecture

    5. Traumatic Brain Injury

    6. Approach to a patient with low GCS, viva

    7. Cerebral circulation and Subarachnoid haemorrhage viva

    8. Autoregulation of cerebral blood flow, ICP control viva

    9. Autoregulation of cerebral blood flow, ICP control viva

    10. Nerve innervation of eye, pupillary reflex viva

    11. spinal cord tracts viva

    12. Causes of seizure viva

    13. Week 3 Comprehensive Viva

    1. Hot topics

    2. Acid Base Balance lecture

    3. Body's Defence lecture

    4. Respiratory Response lecture

    5. The Liver Role lecture

    6. Renal Blood Supply lecture

    7. Loop Of Henle lecture

    8. Collecting Tubule lecture

    9. Urea In The Countercurrent Mechanism lecture

    10. Vasa Recta lecture

    11. hormonal functions of kidneys viva

    12. buffer systems viva

    13. Polycythaemia rubra viva

    14. appendicectomy in renal transplant viva

    15. Causes of post operative oliguria viva

    16. Rhabdomyolysis viva

    17. Week 4 Comprehensive Viva Recordings

    1. Hot topics

    2. Hyperlactataemia

    3. hepatic blood supply viva

    4. Child Pugh-s criteria viva

    5. Hepatic clearance, hepatic extraction ratio, enzymatic intrinsic activity viva

    6. Anatomy of oesophagus, diaphragm viva

    7. Week 5 Recordings

    1. Hot topics

    2. Different types of nerve fibres viva

    3. Neuromuscular Blocking agents viva

    4. comprehensive 10 march week 6

About this course

  • £600.00
  • 437 lessons
  • 163 hours of video content

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